04 June 2014

Progress in Decision Modelling

I created this blog in 2009, with a very specific purpose:  to share the initial concepts of Decision Requirements Analysis and get some feedback prior to writing a book on the subject.  It served its purpose;  it forced me to formalize the central ideas, and I had some very useful input from a number of people.  Knowledge Automation was eventually published in 2012.  I now have enormous respect for authors; if I had known how much work was involved in producing even that slim volume I might never have started.  If you are one of the select few who have actually purchased a copy, many thanks.

In Knowledge Automation I introduced a new type of diagram  the Decision Requirements Diagram (DRD)  which models a domain of decision-making by decomposing it into a network of interdependent decisions, supported by areas of business knowledge and data.  I showed that such models can support an efficient methodology for scoping and implementing decision automation projects.  

A simple DRD as proposed in Knowledge Automation

I thought you might like to know where these concepts have gone.